COOL - COOL - THERM - Thermostat - OE #1560842 (160 degrees): / DELCO - #131-1 / STANT - #S335-160 / OE #1560843 (180 degrees): / STANT - #S335-180 / COOL - RADCAP - Radiator Cap: STANT - #5P16 COOL - AIRDAM - AirDam - Fits under the radiator core support and creates a low pressure area behind radiator resulting in a higher volume of air passing over the cooling fins while moving. Works well! AIRDAM - Saturn Part #21031161 $17.00 also try AIRDAM - '86 Pontiac 6000. Install instructions at airdam3.jpg COOL - FREEZEP - Brass cup core plugs: Pioneer EPC-133B COOL - Thermostat - NAPA THM 91 - 160 / TM191 - 180 (Apr 07)